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Visual Reality: The Anticipation Mounts

As more progress is made, my excitement level continues to increase.  An important and exciting step for any start up business is the creation of the company brand and logo.  I have had Elevation Med Spa named in my head for a while but enlisted the help of Andrew Lunn owner of ANEW branding specialist to help design a great brand and logo.

He recently sent over 11 brand options all with different fonts and designs.  You should have seen the smile on my face as this is the first visual aspect of this dream becoming a reality.  Andrew did a great job providing several different styles and choices.

I enlisted the help of a few trusted friends and family members to help in the process.  It can be a bit overwhelming to land on the best design for the business.  After a few days of looking at each design in different ways, we found a great design to represent Elevation Med Spa.

Andrew was incredibly helpful listening and explaining his thought process and how he choose the design options.  The look of the logo is very clean and powerful.  The font looks elegant and Andrew created an icon that fits the name beautifully.  He created an “e” mountain.  The icon looks cool by itself and fits our Rocky Mountain style.  When you see it, I hope you love it as much as I do.

Once I land on a color it will be ready to send over to the web designers to get the look and feel of the website created.  It is gratifying to see progress being made and moving closer to Elevation Med Spa becoming a reality.

Seeing the visual logo inspires me to work even harder to build this brand into one of trust and value.  I will work everyday to ensure we deliver the quality and excellence you expect and deserve.